Fluoridated Tap Water More Risk or Reward for your Smile

Recently, fluoridated water has been back in the news regarding whether this practice should be continued for the health of not just our teeth, but the health of our environment. 

In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first community in the world to add fluoride to its tap water to improve dental health and reduce cavities in school children.  Scientists in the early 20th Century noted reduced cavities in children in regions where fluoride was occurring naturally in the water supply.  After successful results in Michigan, communities worldwide moved to fluoridating public water supplies.  The CDC considered this practice one of the great health policies and achievements of the 20th century.

Benefits of Water Fluoridation

·         Prevents Tooth Decay – Fluoride helps to mineralize enamel making teeth more resistant to acid and bacteria which cause tooth decay.

·         Cost Effective – Fluoridated tap water reaches a large number of people thus improving health on a large scale

·         80-year History of Use

·         Endorsed by Health Organizations World wide

New research suggests that the inclusion of fluoride toothpastes, fluoride rinses and dental treatments may also be responsible for the reduction of tooth decay in children, therefore eliminating the need to add fluoride to tap water in the future.

Risks of Water Fluoridation

·         Dental Fluorosis – Too much exposure to fluoride, especially in children causes spots, streaks and server cases discoloration

·         High Fluoride exposure may increase skeletal issues such as joint pain and damage to bones.

·         Concerns about increased fluoride levels beyond levels found in tap water and lower IQ levels.

·         Environmental concerns of fluoride adversely impacting ecosystems.

Risk versus rewards…fluoridated water has benefited many people worldwide, but it is definitely worth refining the study to determine if the reduction of cavities is due to fluoridated tap water or dental fluoridated products. If the latter is the proven to have the greater impact we could have a win win…good for both our personal health and the health of our environment.  

Plainsboro Dental Care is a family focused practice.  Call now to schedule your yearly check-up-609-799-4422.


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